Jim Woolway is the RSVP/SVA Volunteer of the Month for May, 2019. He joined the Coronado Police Department’s Senior Volunteer Patrol in 2015 and he has made a huge impact there in a very short time. Due to this, John Meyers, the Volunteer Coordinator for Coronado SVP, nominated Jim for this honor.
Before becoming a volunteer at Coronado PD, Jim was a member of the US Navy for thirty- eight years. That training and experience served Jim well. He is a quiet, somewhat reserved gentleman who gets the job done and does it correctly.
Not only does Jim perform his share of regular patrols, but he also took on the role of overseeing that the Senior Volunteer Patrol vehicles are both stocked and maintained. In addition, he manages the SVP supplies and ensures that critical equipment (such as the defibrillator machine) is operating correctly.
Another vital piece of the Senior Volunteer Patrol operations that Jim oversees is the volunteer work schedules. He prepares, updates and distributes these schedules weekly, for the upcoming four months. He has also assumed the role of Assistant Coordinator for many special events in Coronado and for other agencies as well.
Jim assists the SVP Coordinator with procedure and document preparation and review, which is paramount. Additionally, he serves on the Board of the Coronado SVP and “provides a quiet, but thoughtful voice in discussions”. Jim has become an academy instructor as well as a field trainer for the new SVP recruits.
Jim is a volunteer who is there when he is needed, whether for a special event or to assist at the station. He is extremely dedicated and continues to be one of the volunteers who contributes the highest number of volunteer hours to the station each year.
In addition to being a huge asset to Coronado PD, Jim also volunteers at his church, where he serves as the Chairman of the Church Council. He is also very involved in helping with the care of his three young granddaughters.
Thank you, Jim, for all you do, for the Coronado Senior Volunteer Patrol!