Shelby Long is the RSVP Volunteer of the Month for September 2017. She was nominated by David Piccus, Volunteer Administrator for SDPD, Rancho Bernardo. Shelby is a well deserving volunteer who serves as Assistant Administrator for this great group of volunteers.
Her duties are numerous and include keeping records on all the members of the group, serving as Duty Manager for daily patrols, managing finances for the Rancho Bernardo storefront, as well as occasionally riding in patrol cars.
As if her daily duties were not enough, Shelby helps plan major events in which RSVP participates, such as RB Alive and Spirit of the Fourth (4th of July Parade). She was also a primary member of planning group for Rancho Bernardo RSVP's 25th Anniversary Celebration on June 21st. Shelby is extremely detail oriented and organized as well as being team player.
She is a hard worker and has wonderful leadership and management skills. She is very personable and has a calming influence in the office. Shelby is even keeled in her approach to problem solving; she listens well to others, is positive in her outlook on life, and is a valued member of the group.
She cheerfully accepts new challenges and sees things through to the completion of the task. Her favorite part of volunteering is helping the community, and contributing to the San Diego Police Department's efforts in keeping San Diego safe. She upholds and strengthens the mission of the Rancho Bernardo Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol.
Congratulations Shelby and thank you for all you do in giving back to your community!